Capacity: 21000 L – 24000 L
Tare: 3420 – 3760 kilograms
Max Gross Mass: 34000 - 36000 kilograms
Dimensions: 20’ ISO
Max Work Pressure: 3.0 bar
Design Temp: up to 130 °C
Applicable Regulations: CSC B-BV, IMDG IMO1, ADR RID, US-DOT IM101, TC
Suitable commodities: Various types of Non-Hazardous liquids and several dangerous goods such as Diesel Fuel (UN Number 1202), Pine Oil (UN Number 1272), and more (contact us for details)

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Specification Document
These are the specs for available USED tanks, available in NHAVA SHEVA, INDIA and can be shipped to your location.
Shall you require a NEW tank with similar or different specs, we can assist you with your specific needs and we can also help you with financial solutions.
Contact us below.